Thursday, March 11, 2010

My 25 cents list!

I am horrible about keeping a list of what I have in my stockpile.

I've realized this week that I have an over stock of a lot of toiletries and such. I store these upstairs and so I forget I have so many and when there is a 4 or 5 star sale I stock up once again even though I don't need them.

So I've started a 25 cents list....basically I make a list of things I'm over stocked on and if it's not FREE Or less than a quarter than I'm not going to buy it.

This is kind of hard when there are clearly good deals but if I won't get to those items in a 12 week period than it's really a waste of my money. However, if you put together packets for the homeless or something like that then stock up for that purpose but as far as coming out of grocery funds you should never really need more than a 12 week supply of any kind of item.

Another sale will come along!!! Trust me it always does!!

1 comment:

Pinch This, Stretch That! said...

Great Plan! I'll join you on this journey.. I'm such a sucker for toiletries too.